Saturday, June 13, 2009


This week the girls both started smiling! These aren't gas smiles either! We don't get too many, but when we do, it's very obvious what they are doing. Soon, I'll get it a picture of their cute little smiles!

Sylvia Out On The Couch & More Sleep for Mommy and Daddy

Sylvia crashed on the couch after her morning feeding. They are now sleeping about 4-5 hours between night feedings; we've eliminated one all together! Then, after we feed them at 5 or 6am, they go out for another few hours.

Momma loves getting 4 hours of consecutive sleep! We still have to figure out the witching hour. Last night, we decided to put them down an hour early (8pm) and they slept until 1:30am! After their feeding, they slept until 6:15am.

Evelyn is Loving Grandpa

Out Like a Light

Evelyn often falls asleep with the paci half in her mouth and then sucks it back in. Hilarious!

Visit to American History Museum

Grandpa, Alexis (niece), the girls and I went to the newly renovated American History Museum.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

6 Week Birthday

We wanted to celebrate the girls 6 week birthday so we baked a cake (actually, we wanted an excuse to bake a cake, so we thought it would be appropriate to do it in honor of the girls).

Sylvia is on the left, Evelyn on the right and Alexis (my niece) is holding the cake.

It was good.

Babies or Dolls?

I enjoy dressing up the girls in their new clothes. Now that they finally fit in some things, it's a lot more fun to pick out their clothes. The blue dress was just given to us from our friends Jon and Andy Swope (along with several other outfits).

Evelyn is on the left and Sylvia is on the right.

More Museums!

We went to the Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum -- Dad, Alexis and the girls are pictured here with the Blackbird spy plane.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bath Time With Evelyn

Daddy doesn't get any screaming from Evelyn during bath time, like Mommy does. Looks like Daddy has a new permanent job!

Evelyn Greets Grandpa

Grandpa fed Evelyn and she greeted him with a puke! Check out this video.

Grandpa Benson and Niece Alexis

My Dad and neice, Alexis, are visiting from Indiana. My Dad (Grandpa Benson) is loving on these girls like crazy. Check out Evelyn asleep on his big belly!

Alexis is nearly 11 and has three siblings all under age 3! She probably has more experience with babies than any of us combined. She will be a great helper for the week she's here.

I'm loving the help already!