Saturday, November 13, 2010


The girls are both very much into trying to take off their clothes. Sylvia cries and says "na-na" and lifts her shirt. She wants to be naked. They are getting very good at unzipping their pjs. A couple of times we've gotten them in the morning and they were unzipped all the way! Silly girls!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Daddy Turns 40!

We had a little breakfast party for Daddy on his 40th birthday -- November 12th.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

November is pretty cool for Daddy. November 1oth is the Marine Corps birthday (235th this year), November 11th is Veteran's Day, and November 12th is David's birthday (40th this year!). Yeah Daddy! Lots to celebrate. We went to Mt Vernon with the girls. We also learned out new house is on George Washington property -- River Farm. We can even get a plaque to go on our house saying we're part of Historic River Farm. Very cool!


The girls now love to have milk and cereal like Daddy in the morning. They also drink the milk from their bowls, just like Daddy. Nice, eh? We'll have to undo a lot of the etiquette Daddy is teaching them.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


At our new house, every door has a handle door knob, not just a round knob. This makes it very easy for a nearly 3ft high little girl to open doors all by herself. She can say "knock, knock" and then locks her sister in the pantry. Evelyn loves it. In this video, you can hear Sylvia say "Evelyn" too...she says "ya ya."

Monday, November 8, 2010

Painting and Dancing

The girls (especially Evelyn) love to dance. Here they are painting and dancing!

Crazy Tots!

The girls go nuts before bedtime. They love to run around upstairs and scream!

Dress Up

The girls LOVE to dress up. We do it every night.