Monday, July 27, 2009

Sylvia Rolls Over!

This afternoon, Syliva rolled over!!! It happened so fast, we didn't get it on film, but I will be sure to next time. Go Sylvia!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Busy Sunday

Today was a little out of control, but we like it that way. First, we visited our friend, Jim, in his lovely home in DC. We had an incredible brunch of crab quiche and blueberry muffins. [Bottom two pictures]
Then, we visited our friends Jason and Kelly. Their 7 month old son, Lucas, was scooting all over and nearly crawling. He's the happiest babies around. [Top picture]

Finally, we visited our friends Van, Allyson, Lynn and Brian. They surprised us with an amazing dinner of steak kebabs, pasta salad, beans and an amazing fruite tarte. Delicious! Plus, they sent us home with lots of food. We are really excited about this considering we haven't bought much more that gatorade and milk in the last few weeks. [Forgot the camera in the car for this visit--whoops!]
We had a great day and both meals were enjoyed with both hands! However, I eat so quickly these days, I bet our friends are starting to think I've lost all of my manners! The girls were so good for most of the day too, except Evelyn pee-ed on her cute little outfit so most of the day was spent in the not as cute backup one from the diaper bag.

Evelyn Rolls Over

Today, Evelyn rolled over, not once but FIVE TIMES. She rolled to the right and to the left. It was pretty amazing that she kept repeating it -- I actually got it on film!

Yeah for Evelyn! At just 12 weeks, that's pretty good!