Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Evelyn's Potty Progress Report--Grade A+

Well, it's pretty amazing! Evelyn has only had a total of 3 accidents since we started training on Friday. No accidents since Sunday. She will tell us when she has to go. I also got a potty chair for when we are playing outside so Sylvia doesn't have to stop playing and go inside (and there's the safety factor of them playing alone in the pool!), and she's had no problem using it for #1 and #2. Evelyn is even waking up from naps DRY! I put her in a pullup instead of a nightdiaper last night and it was fine. No leaks, barely wet. The first thing she says in the morning is "go potty Mommy." She's going about every 2 hours during the day. I'm so proud of little Evelyn.

Sylvia is acting more interested and sat on the potty a few times. I'm not pushing her one bit. It's enough having to rush one child to the bathroom. I don't think I could do two.

I will continue to post progress reports.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Potty Training

Well, Mommy wasn't ready to potty train, but Evelyn was! Since Thursday, Evelyn has been consistently using the potty. This isn't Mommy putting her on the potty, this is Evelyn telling us she has to go and going! She does both #1 and #2. She had 2 accidents on Saturday (no diapers except nap and bedtime; we are actually using a pullup at naps and night diaper at of time she's in underware) and Sunday she had 1 accident. Pretty amazing. I will keep you posted on the week's success. I'm hoping she doesn't regress because she's been soooo into it. I call her my "pee pee, poo poo potty girl" ... she loves it. Here are a few pictures 1) Evelyn putting on her first pair of undies; 2) Evelyn in her potty dress (it was sooo cute and perfect height for her to pull up herself and get on the potty. She was also drinking lots of fluids, including the special treat of juice, to "make pee pee". I know there has to be a catch because this has been way too easy!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


The Romley's love watermelon. Sylvia went through a phase where she wouldn't eat it (after LOVING it last summer)...last night she finally realized it's really good! The three of them ate a quarter watermelon AFTER dinner. Notice their hair is wet, they spent the afternoon goofing off in their pool and helping us in the yard.

Cutie Pies

These girls are silly and cute. Sylvia loves that dang vacuum, wearing her Daddy's ties and that silly flower that isn't even for her hair! Notice all their sun accessories. And, they demand sunscreen. What kind of mutant children do we have that like sunscreen!? Also, take note, this may be the only time they have worn the same thing -- their strawberry pjs and flower hats...because THEY demanded they wear them. Both were gifts.