Evelyn's eyes seem to be getting more blue every day. Click the picture and you can get a better look at them. Also, note the barrette. Her hair is getting long enough finally! But, they fall out fast. Sylvia's eyes are a really pretty hazel, but they change all the time. Some days they are more blue, sometimes grey, sometimes green. I don't know if they will stay hazel or settle into a specific color.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Sylvia Sitting
Friday, October 30, 2009
First Crawls
Evelyn is super active; we've said that many times. Now she is scooting quite well backwards. I never knew that for some babies it is the first step before they move forward. The videos were taken about a week apart. Can you see her progress?
While we haven't seen any teeth lately, the girls want to chew on everything. Evelyn really likes her frozen rings, but gets really mad when her hands get too cold. Sylvia has been gnawing on her star cookie in the exersaucer for a while now. Mommy didn't get teeth until 8 months, not sure about Daddy, so it could be a while until we see pearly whites!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Talking Sylvia
Sylvia loves to make noises. And, she loves her exersaucer even more. She's so cute and has so much fun entertaining herself in that thing.
Playing Together
After their bottles, we let them settle while sitting (lots of spit up happens if they are put on their bellies or backs). So, I entertain them with little toys.
New Noises
Evelyn has started this new noise--her grunt. At first I thought she was trying to go #2, but she does it all the time. It's pretty funny and a little weird.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
6 Months Old!
The girls turned 6 months old this week. Gosh, time flies. Their doctor's visit went well and they were pleased with the girls' development. Here are the stats:
head: 17 inches -- 75th percentile
height: 25.5 inches--50th percentile
weight: 17lbs 3.4 oz--75th percentile
head: 16.25 inches -- 15th percentile
height: 25.25 inches -- 25th percentile
weight: 15lbs 15.4oz -- 50th percentile
Evelyn still holds her title of "itty bitty," but 50th percentile for weight is great. She has a solid little muscle-bound body. David calls her his "eel." Sylvia is definitely bigger; she's a chubby baby with fat rolls on fat rolls. The little ladies couldn't be more different and so special in their own ways. We are incredibly lucky!
Another 6 month note that they had their first fever 6 days before their half birthday. Evelyn had a really rough night and spent the entire evening in my arms. It was pretty terrible to see her so unhappy. Sylvia had a fever a few days before Evelyn, but was her typical happy go lucky self. We would have never known she had a fever if she wasn't taking super long naps and felt hot to the touch. I guess they were bound to pick up something eventually and I think six months is pretty good to be without a cold or any illness!
Happy half year birthday, babies!
New Toy
Who would have ever guessed that a blackberry would provide so much entertainment for a baby?! I guess it is shiny and lights up. Let's just hope they don't break it; it is government-issued.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Anglea took this adorable video of the girls and it was definitely worth posting. She sends David and I pictures and updates every day; it brightens our day -- BIG TIME! I also come home to pictures on the camera and videos. Things really couldn't be better on the childcare front!
Lip Suck
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Teething Rings
Grandpa Benson and Grandma Snazzy Visit
The girls maternal grandparents visited (well, one set, Mommy's Dad and Step-Mom) all the way from Indiana. Grandpa fixed lots of stuff at the house and Grandma Snazzy helped keep the girls entertained while Mommy ran a few errands. We also got our H1N1 shots; the girls will get theirs soon (they aren't yet 6 months old yet!).
Enjoying the Outdoors
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