Saturday, April 9, 2011

Everyday Cuteness!

Can you tell they are just full of it? Personality...that is!

Daddy Mo Mo

When Grandpa visited this time, he brought Daddy a really exciting gift. A Harley Davidson motorcycle. The girls call it "Daddy's Mo-Mo." I don't know why I don't have a picture of David on it, but here's Grandpa and the girls (Evelyn first and Sylvia second).

Benson's Upon Us!

The Benson's came to DC! It was a BIG deal for both of Mommy's brothers (Uncle Gage and Uncle Shane) to come visit, along with Grandpa and Grandma Debi. What good fun! We went to the Capitol, Pentagon, and a few museums. We even spilt up one day. It was sooo easy to have one of the girls in a single stroller. How life would be so different!


Just a cute one of Sylvia in the car taken by Uncle Gage this weekend. More on that visit later.