Thursday, July 9, 2009

Multitasking Queen

When both babies fuss and I'm alone, I have to be creative when calming them down. Often it is a walk, but since I ran 4 miles this morning before they woke up and we are meeting Josie for lunch and then visiting friends at FEMA, we stayed at the house. After trying the packnplay, swing, bouncy seat, and boppy, I had to also pick up Evelyn. Sylvia was already in the carrier. They both are asleep in my arms as I type this. All they wanted was their Mommy.

I also took this picture on a timer.

Evelyn in the Bumbo

Evelyn really isn't too small for the Bumbo! My girls are growing up too fast!

Repeat #1-Sleeping Through The Night

Sylvia slept through the night again. This time she was awake around 6:30pm after being fed at 7pm and asleep by 7:45pm. Go Sylvia.

Evelyn is still about a pound smaller and wakes up around 2:30am most nights.

This gives Mommy plenty of sleep...going bto bed around 9pm and sleeping 6.5hrs and then going to bed around 3:30am until 6am! Pretty good for just 1o weeks if you ask me!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Daddy's Final Days On Active Duty

We went to the Pentagon to introduce the girls to David's collegues and staff. They were well behaved, even around feeding time at 3pm.

The other picture is of David feeding Sylvia before work this morning. It was very cute until she barfed all over his uniform and he had to change.
I thought it would be appropriate to take a few pictures of Daddy in his uniform since he is retiring in less than 8 weeks. 20 years of service to our country! What an amazing accomplishment!

Removal of Evelyn's Swaddle

We unswaddled Evelyn last night because we don't think she needs it. I heard Sylvia crying at 2am and was surprised since she usually isn't the first to wake up (bigger girl, bigger stomach, of course!). Well, she was upset with her sister for scooting over to her side of the crib and putting her feet on her head! So, we fed them both and they went back to bed. At 7am when we woke them up, they were sleeping like this. How on earth is Evelyn turning herself upside down and on the other side of the crib? I guess she wanted to be near her sister?!

As you can imagine, we're thinking it's finally time for crib #2. I'm not looking forward to separating them because I love that they are together AND the nursery is so small, it will be a very tight squeeze. We might be converting the office to bedroom #2 sooner than we thought as well.

Meeting the Ross'

My Step-Father's son and his family was in town for their daughter's dance competion. Deana (pictured here right after her dance) won their dances and loved holding the babies.

Big Girl Sylvia In The Bumbo

The bumbo is awesome and is supposed to be used to strengthen neck and back support, AND allows your baby to sit way before it would be possible otherwise. Big girl Sylvia fits (we use a little blanket to fill in some space behind her). I put her in it now after we feed her because she spits up a lot and it's better to keep her up instead of lying her down. She loves it and is quick to let me know when she's had enough. Evelyn has great head and neck strength, but she's still just a little too tiny to fit in their comfortably. Soon she will catch up -- she's only a pound behind her sister.

Cute Pics from the 4th Weekend

Evelyn above; Sylvia below

Meeting Uncle Aaron and Cousin Brandon

David's brother, Aaron, and his son Brandon came to visit over the 4th weekend. They live in the VA Beach area. Brandon is almost 8 and his an old pro with babies.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Girls' Quirks

The girls are so fidgety, especially Evelyn. She loves to be in the packnplay and kick her legs. It's hard for her to be still. I also think that's way she sleeps a whole lot less than Sylvia. It's like she's afraid she's going to miss something. Then, she gets super cranky when she's tapped out and tired. And, it takes a while to get her calmed down and the only thing that works is holding her close in the Bjorn or rocking her. The girl is a total character and getting somewhat spoiled on her cool down moments.

Her sister on the other hand is very chill. Almost too chill. She sleeps all day. Eats, sleeps, poops. That's Sylvia. However, I should mention that's she's very chill until she loses her pacifer (AKA "crack-ifier")or is hungry! Then, she is the loudest little girl! She screams bloody murder if she's happy as a clam and her paci falls out. We call it her "crack-ifier" because it's like crack to her. Or, say you need to take the bottle out of her mouth or switch sides nursing, she flips. She is a great eater and dang, if you try to yank away her food, watch out. Let's just hope she exhibits some restraint and becomes a lady about it.

We love these girls like crazy and all their little quirks.


Sylvia is our sleeper, she slept 11 hours the other night! While we haven't had a repeat yet, it is definitely a step in the right direction. The girls are now eating every 4 hours -- 7am, 11am, 3pm and 7pm and then we let them go as long as they can at night. Typically, Evelyn wakes between 1:30-3pm and Sylvia between 2:30-5am. We are also weaning them off the night feeding by a half ounce every 3 days. We are following the book "12 hours of sleep by 12 weeks." Our doc says "Good Luck", but we're not giving up!

Cherry Blossom Stars

Monday, July 6, 2009