The girls are so fidgety, especially Evelyn. She loves to be in the packnplay and kick her legs. It's hard for her to be still. I also think that's way she sleeps a whole lot less than Sylvia. It's like she's afraid she's going to miss something. Then, she gets super cranky when she's tapped out and tired. And, it takes a while to get her calmed down and the only thing that works is holding her close in the Bjorn or rocking her. The girl is a total character and getting somewhat spoiled on her cool down moments.
Her sister on the other hand is very chill. Almost too chill. She sleeps all day. Eats, sleeps, poops. That's Sylvia. However, I should mention that's she's very chill until she loses her pacifer (AKA "crack-ifier")or is hungry! Then, she is the loudest little girl! She screams bloody murder if she's happy as a clam and her paci falls out. We call it her "crack-ifier" because it's like crack to her. Or, say you need to take the bottle out of her mouth or switch sides nursing, she flips. She is a great eater and dang, if you try to yank away her food, watch out. Let's just hope she exhibits some restraint and becomes a lady about it.
We love these girls like crazy and all their little quirks.