Thursday, August 6, 2009

Basement Conversion

I refuse to turn my "adult" space into a kiddie playground, so we have moved to the basement. Sure, there's still a place to change the girls on the 2nd level, but all their stuff has been moved below. It's actually pretty nice. Today I got foam blocks so I can use more of the floor (it's hardwood, so tummy time is not very safe).

Get Me Out Of This Thing!

Sylvia has been doing this back arch thing. She doesn't want to be held, she doesn't want to be on the activity mat, in the bumbo, in the swing, etc. I think she wants to walk! She's only happy when I hold her up on her feet or sit her up like a big girl. Check her out trying to bust out of the bumbo!

Morning Snacks & Fullness

Cute Pictures From Week 14

The first is of Sylvia trying out the exersaucer. All she wants to do is stand, so I thought this would be a good thing for her. However, her tiny feet don't touch the ground...we have a few more weeks to go. The second is of Sylvia (or "Syl" as David has been calling her) eating her hands. She's always hungry and cries when her bottle is finished and then immediately chews on her hands for 15 minutes after eating. The last picture is of Evelyn on the left and Sylvia on the right. I thought they looked cute (even though Evelyn's outfit doesn't match...we had an accident on her other pants!). Really though, I think they always look cute. My itty bitty babies are looking big! Several people this week have said "Wow, those girls look so healthy!" Random people I've never met...makes me feel good; all that Momma's milk I guess.

Big Bed for Evelyn

I am trying hard to get the girls on some kind of napping schedule. They used to sleep whenever and wherever. Well, I'm first starting with the wherever and that involved no vibration or swinging. We have moved all the toys and stuff to the basement, so moving upstairs to their cribs for napping is not yet feasible since they are not on a schedule. The first nap is pretty much like clockwork at 8:10am, but the rest of the day is random. So, one baby goes in the packnplay and the other goes on the big bed. Here's Evelyn all sprawled out. This isn't ideal, obviously, and I will be working to get them in their cribs because it is the safest option. Right now, E doesn't move much, so we're ok. I have a feeling that will change soon.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tummy Time with Daddy

We had a very relaxing Sunday -- didn't really leave the house except for a walk. It was nice just hanging out with the girls in our pjs!

Play Time!

Evelyn loves her kick and play bouncy seat and Sylvia loves to talk!

Sylvia Rolling Over

..with a bit of assistance. We haven't yet had a repeat of Sylvia rolling over, but she gets darn close.

When Did The Girls Get So Big?

The girls are definitely going through their 3 month growth spurt. We swear they grew over night. Sylvia is longer and Evelyn is chubbier (notice those cheeks!). And, they have been sleeping a lot during the day the last few days. We are dying to know how much they weigh, but we aren't due for a checkup until the end of August.

Official Soon To Be International Travelers

The girls are all set to travel to Montreal later this month. Evelyn's application was first rejected because the picture was too light (kind of like Sylvia's -- see left), but we redid the picture at CVS and it arrived! How official!

2 Cribs & 2 Babies Back In Swaddles

As you may recall, Evelyn was kicking her sister in the head, so we realized we needed another crib. It's been assembled and in use for the last 2 weeks. All is well. No screaming in the middle of the night caused by one baby hurting the other. However, I do think they miss each other. Also, we've tried several times to unswaddle the girls. Evelyn is fine throughout the night, but is nearly impossible to get to sleep without the miracle blanket swaddle. However, Sylvia wakes up all night long. She cries out and a paci fixes the problem...well, for about 40 minutes. We typically put the girls to sleep with pacifiers (calms them down), but within 15 minutes they spit them out. Therefore, after a sleepless night on Monday, we reswaddled both girls. They were in dreamland by 7:25pm and we didn't have to go back upstairs once! We even had to wake them up at 7am! They are sleepers!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Anniversary Celebration

We celebrated our third anniversary with a night out. It was our first and it was surprisingly easy, probably because our Nanny, Angela, watched the girls. We went to Komi, which is rated the best restaurant in DC and it was pretty amazing. We had 18 courses of yumminess!