Saturday, February 5, 2011

Addiction to Lotion

Sylvia goes NUTS for lotion (lo-lo). She will throw a fit until you give her some. Most of the time she tries to eat it (must taste delicious) or she rubs it on her face in mass quantities. It's kind of cute and girly, except when she throws a fit. She can now reach in our upper bathroom drawers where my makeup, nail polish, lotion, and floss is. I think she has pulled out 2 entire things of floss, used up half my face moisturizer, and one day decided she wanted to carry around 3 bottles of my nail polish for hours. She's a little strange, but we love her! :)

More Dress Up

The girls, and their friend Maya, had a blast playing and dressing up. Daddy even enjoyed it.

What Mom?

I didn't try to taste that marker. What are you talking about. Oh, they are not that slick.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Toddler Fun

We hear a lot of "Up Mommy" lately, which is slightly annoying. They are 22 and 25lbs and it's a lot to carry around! Sylvia is especially bad about this and will CRY until I can divert her attention to something else or I pick her up (sometimes we just have to choose our battles). Here's Evelyn freaking out before bedtime.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


We've been sick! First, it started with Evelyn on Wednesday. Lots of vomiting and other fun stuff. Lasted 2 days. Just when we were all feeling OK, it hit Sylvia. Of course, when Mommy was home alone (why am I always the one who deals with this fun stuff?). All Friday afternoon (my day off!), Sylvia vomited. I did teach her how to do it in a bucket (how about that...learning while sick!). She didn't do well Friday or that night, Saturday it moved to the other other end. Sunday, she was feeling better...she even had an appetite. Well, it didn't last all came back up. We were up all night long (yes, this was the 4th night this week!). Saturday, Daddy and I both felt ill. [I even said if there was an entire delicious cake sitting in front of me I wouldn't eat it...David then knew I felt terrible).

Now, Sylvia and Evelyn both have colds. I took Sylvia to the doctor just to make sure she indeed just had a virus (no strep throat, ear infection, etc) with all the added coughing (Evelyn hadn't yet developed a cold yet). Poor baby. It's so hard seeing your little ones suffer. Should I feel flattered that they always wait for Mommy before it begins? True Love.

Evelyn is definitely working on her upper canines. She bit a chair yesterday! And, put her hands in her mouth and screamed. She's never really been affected like this...she's such a toughy. A little oragel made her all better.

Spring will come soon enough and the germies will be gone (hopefully!). I say to myself this is all good for their immunity development, but it just sucks!

In brighter news, the girls are definitely talking more. They love to sled (we had 5 inches last week). And, they are 22 months old. I've evolved to saying "they are almost 2." [I still count months for the blog, but not when asked how old they are.] How'd that happen?

When I can surface above the yuckiness, I'll take picutres and post videos. It just hasn't been my focus lately. I really need a good night's rest.