Saturday, April 2, 2011

Brunch with the kids

While my Mom was here, my friend Julia (Miss Ju Ju) suggested we get our Mom's and the kids together for brunch and playing. It was good fun. Everyone came over and ate like they didn't have breakfast (these kids can chow!). The girls' adore Wyatt's little brother Gresham. Miss Ju Ju was bold and let Evelyn "hold" him. She was so gentle. They are both so sweet with him.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Gram's Visit

Daddy went away for a week and Gram came to visit. She's a huge help and the girls adore their "dam". We also celebrated Gram's birthday with a homemade chocolate birthday cake. We did lots of fun stuff too -- went to the Baltimore Children's museum, gymnastics class, national aquarium, play group, and played with their new favorite toy -- Mr. Potato Head. I even had to borrow an extra from a friend (Miss Julia -- girls call her Ju Ju) because they are OBSESSED.,

Thursday, March 31, 2011

More outside play

Sylvia hates bugs. Evelyn loves them.

Playing Outside

The girls have so much fun in our yard. We have a great new fence, which helps keep them contained, and their big playset (which conveyed with the new house). They have lots of fun and are super silly! I know, way too many videos, but they are cute and I don't have time to sort through them and figure out the best one!

Baltimore Children's Museum

Tons of fun (although Evelyn was NOT a fan of the long car ride up). She was fine on the way home because she was eating lunch. I have a hard time bribing my kids to be good with food only for them not to eat a good lunch or dinner later. I'm such a meany!

New Big Bows

The girls love to put bows in their hair and get new hair accessories. It's a must because their hair is so long, but sometimes it is a bit silly how one bow-bow can cause a lot of toddler drama. "broke bow bow" "lost bow bow." These are some very cute HUGE bows that our friend Dori gave the girls.

Monday, March 28, 2011

23 Months!!!

Evelyn and Sylvia are nearly 2!!! Hard to believe. They are amazing little talkers. I read somewhere a 3 year old should have 500 words. I'd like to believe they know just about that many. It's so cute to have conversations with them and have them express their opinions (they have many), preferences, likes and dislikes. They are also incredibly affectionate (when they aren't fighting) and are very good at sharing (they have a lot of practice). They are still sleeping solidly 7am to 7pm and most days have a 2 hour nap. I just know their stall tactics so book reading starts at 6:30pm and in the crib at 6:50pm because I think I tuck Evelyn in and kiss her puppies about 6 times. It's very cute. They also know how to put on their coats! Big accomplishment. They are also getting very good at putting on their shoes. They are best at putting on their crocs (it's what they play in the yard in). I'm so impressed. They are still very good eaters -- lots of veggies and healthy stuff. They do not eat processed or foods with preservatives/artificial stuff (unless they have it at a friend's which is rare). We are lucky because I know some tots that have goldfish for dinner! I'm not saying there aren't days they refuse to eat what's on their plate, but they know that's all they are getting, so usually they eat it. If not, they eat a really good breakfast. The girls are far from starving! We switched from whole to 2% milk recently and will probably switch to skim after their birthday, if the doctor recommends it. They also get milk at their snack (after naps around 3pm) and we're cutting that out. I read 2 year olds should get 16-22oz of milk. They get about 24oz now. I know Sylvia will not like reducing that milk; she chugs it like she's never had it before. Silly girl. Evelyn is still smaller than Sylvia and often mistaken for the younger sibling (a year apart). She has a tiny head, just like her Mommy. But, they are only about 1-2lbs apart. I think Sylvia is close to 26.5lbs and Evelyn 25. Yes, they are heavy when I'm carrying them both around. You'd think I'd be ultra buff! We are gearing up for a fun second birthday party on May 7th -- a backyard barbeque bash. I've invited 11 of their friends and so far all but 2 can make it. Add in parents and siblings and we have quiet the party! Stay tuned for more!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


It snowed, hopefully for the last time, on March 27th!