Saturday, July 16, 2011

Wildlife Central

We've posted before about birds, deer, fox, and ducks in our yard. Here's a box turtle or Terrapene (you UMD fans) we found just hanging out by the sandbox. The girls were totally into him and tried to feed him lettuce (they are omnivores, but he wasn't interested).

Monday, July 11, 2011

Fun with Food

The girls love to help in the kitchen. Here they are making their own "face" sandwiches and ants on a log.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Weekend Update (pictures to come)

We had a blast this weekend, besides Sylvia having a little cold, which started with Angela and now David has it too. Just a matter of time for Evelyn and Mommy! Friday, after naps we had a play date with Max and Ella, along with all the other siblings (Olivia, 8 weeks; Melina, 8 months; Mia 6 years). It was full of chaos and fun, especially when they all ate dinner together! Saturday, Evelyn and Mommy ran errands, including checking out the Kid's Club at the gym Mommy just joined. She seemed to love it, but we'll see how it goes when she's dropped off there on Monday! Saturday afternoon we went to a big adult party that was incredibly kid-friendly with 2 babysitters, play area and a bounce house. The girls had a blast! Sunday, we hit the pool and then did yard work. It was sooo hot, the girls got into the kiddie pool in the backyard in their clothes.

The week ahead will include field trip to a park on Monday, play group and a pool playdate on Tuesday, library storytime on Wednesday, pool and music program on Thursday, and a trip to a big bounce house on Friday! This weekend we have visitors coming and 2 parties. I'm exhausted already!

First Bounce House

The girls have been around a few bounce houses, but not interested in getting in. Sylvia is quick to tell you when she's "Scared Mommy." Well, this time we were at a friend's party and they had a bounce house and nannies to watch the kids. We shoved them in and they had a blast. Sylvia now says "No scared bounce house Mommy." And, they stayed up the latest since they were infants (8:54pm). Did they wake up later than normal? NO!