Friday, April 9, 2010


This week my 11 year old niece was in town and there were a lot of outings! Here are the girls at the zoo with a meerkat!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Field Trip

The girls visited the Natural History Museum today and liked the bug exhibit. Then, they passed out.

Summer Days in Spring

It has been HOT! At Monday's White House Easter Egg Roll (pictures to come) we roasted in the 90 degree heat. Yesterday, the girls' enjoyed a more breezy afternoon on the waterfront in Old Town, albeit was still hot (nearly 95! a new record!).

Monday, April 5, 2010

3 Generations

Grandpa Benson, Grandma and cousin Alexis are visiting for a week and a half from Indiana. We've had fun showing them the city and eating!

First Easter

Evelyn and Sylvia enjoyed their first Easter with family in town (Grandpa, G-ma and cousin Alexis). We got dressed up and went to the Baltimore Aquarium, which they loved, and enjoyed seafood on the harbor. It was a super nice day.

White House Easter Egg Roll

It was HOT on the day of the Easter Egg Roll. The girls were good sports and Sylvia even touches the Easter Bunny!