Saturday, October 17, 2009

I'm Done!

Sylvia is so funny! She has already figured out how to communicate -- when she's done eating, she leans over backwards in her Bumbo. It's so funny and we worry that she's going to fall out.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Scratches and Bites

The girls' poor little faces have seen better days. No matter how often we cut Sylvia's fingernails, she will cut her face. She flails her arms around like wild and ultimately takes a swipe at her face. Then, we move onto poor little Evelyn. She must have her Daddy's sweet blood because this is the second time she's been bitten by a mosquito. The first picture you can see her 'skeeter bite on her nose, the picture below the bite is on her forehead. You can't miss Sylvia's multiple scratches on her face. Poor babies.

Daddy and Evelyn Bonding

For some reason, every picture I took this weekend was with David and Evelyn. They are super cute together. We call Evelyn our "tiny little baby" or "spikey." We also call her crazy because she's active and never wants to stop.

Belly Sleepers

The girls now love to sleep on their bellies. They both start off on their backs and then quickly turn over. It's really cute to roll them over in the morning, have them slowly open their eyes and then give us a big smile. Totally cute.

What is so funny is that Evelyn finds her way to the far corner of the crib and hangs her arm out the side. Almost always her pacifier has fallen out of the crib onto the floor...I think she is chasing it around the crib until she gets cornered (literally!). Sylvia often starts on her back, rolls to her side for half the night and then finds her way to her belly.

They are silly little babies, but 90% of the time they are sleeping 12 hours uninterrupted and that's super great! Sylvia is above, Evelyn below.

Playing Together

Both girls are so active these days! They entertain themselves now for quite a while and even take toys away from each other. This is a very cool toy the girls LOVE playing with. Sylvia kicks the side to get the pieces to move. Smart girl.