Saturday, February 13, 2010

Nose Wrinkle; Toothless Grin

Sylvia is just so darn cute. Here she is with her nose wrinkle thing and her big toothless grin.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

First Tooth

Finally! We have "discovered" a tooth! It made it's appearance in Evelyn's little mouth on Thursday, February 4th and it's still making it's way up. It's the lower left. We will have a photo once it's really visable. It's been causing her a lot of pain; poor baby! She loves Tylenol though!

Funny Hat!

Evelyn looked like a little elf with her hoodie up!

Hard to Control Evelyn

It's getting almost impossible to change Evelyn's diaper. She's sooo busy and does not want to even mess with such trivial things!

Loud Eater

Sylvia makes this adorable noise when she's feeding herself. Its like she's focused.

Blizzard of 2010!

We had a massive amount of snow over the last week--first it was about 25 inches, then another 12 inches. The government was closed for 5 days! We went a little stir crazy being couped up inside, but we had lots of quality time together. Daddy worked a lot still so Mommy needed a much-needed break on Thursday when Angela came in.

We took the girls sledding and it was a blast!

Playing Together

The girls really do play together now. It's adorable. This time Evelyn couldn't stand that Sylvia was in the tunnel by herself and joined her. They were both cracking up!

Sylvia Pulling Up

Sylvia is now pulling up. We start out by using this box and she works hard to pull herself up on the couch. What a big girl!


Here's Sylvia having a heck of a time crawling through her tunnel.