The girls went to their first birthday party for their friend Clay Morris. Their parents, Bob and Josie, are good friends of ours. A good time was had by all; too bad the girls didn't get to eat the cake!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Happy Birthday Clay
The girls went to their first birthday party for their friend Clay Morris. Their parents, Bob and Josie, are good friends of ours. A good time was had by all; too bad the girls didn't get to eat the cake!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Strolling In The Bob
Several months ago we bought the "Bob" stroller. It is one fancy double jogging stroller. It's super smooth and comfy for the girls. While it weighs a ton when folded it is a dream to push around the neighborhood. Our Nanny, Angela, discovered this week that if the girls don't nap much in the morning and they are crabby in the afternoon, a long stroll with get the babies to sleep. I have also started running with them (cleared by the doc) and they quickly float off to dreamland.
Cute 4 Month Shots of Sylvia
Cute 4 Month Shots of Evelyn
Evelyn is our wild child. She is very, very active. When she is tired she goes a bit crazy. If she is lying down, she will arch her back so far and howl. She's now rolling over from her back to her belly. Then, she gets stuck. It's funny. Well, it's funny when she's crazy and somewhat happy, but she also gets sooo tired and is unable to fall asleep. We have to be really careful to pick up on her cues before it's too late or she can be a challenge. She is very, very curious and loves to be out and about. She's been reaching for her feet for a while now, but she's finally able to grab them and pull them to her mouth. The other day, she had to take a nibble while taking a bath. She's such a cutie, especially with that spikey crew cut!
Tiny Hineys
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Honorary Grandparents
Our good friends, Richard and Julie, have been declared as the girls Honorary Grandparents. They have always been incredibly wonderful to us and now to the girls. We went to their lovely home on the water in Annapolis so the girls could meet them. We first celebrated the girls with fine champagne and opened way too many presents. They gave the girls adorable sweaters with flags and anchors on them (they are huge sailors!), then we dined on the best hash we've ever had (smoked salmon hash) and mine came with twin eggs (see picture). After brunch they took the girls on their first boat ride. It was so much fun and relaxing. We always enjoy every moment with Richard and Julie. We are returning soon to take them up on their offer to stay in the "creek" apartment, it's the first floor of their four story (or is it five?) home. It will be a perfect get-away with the girls and another opportunity for the girls to be loved on by their honorary grandparents.
Angela's First Day
This week our nanny started working. The girls really gave her a run for her money the first day. They didn't sleep very long for their first nap and they were really crabby the entire day. Mommy and Daddy felt really bad for Angela. But, she did a great job and they did nap for nearly an hour in the afternoon while out on a stroll. And, they didn't even notice we were gone. She's really incredible with the girls and has a ton of really great ideas. We are so lucky and very happy we decided to go with a nanny at the house instead of daycare. Angela is an absolute perfect for our family too!
The picture of David above is of his sad face before he left for the day.
Lots of Funny Stuff
The girls get a little wild before bedtime. This video proves it. Also, it's of Evelyn's first day of razzing. She did it all day. Totally adorable.
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