Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Preparing for Winter

The girls have new snow suits! Their friend Wyatt came over and tried his on too.

Monday, September 27, 2010

New Friend

The girls got a new friend, Kermit. And, he talks. They love him. He says he's a carribean amphibian!

Cutie! Red Head?

Sylvia has great hair. It's got the right amount of curl, just in the back. And, it is sort of turning red.

Tavern Toddlers

The girls go to a program called Tavern Toddlers at Gadsby's Tavern in Old Town. It's a old building (circa 1700) which hosted notables of the time, including all the signers of the Declaration of Independence. It now hosts a museum and restaurant. The program is for walkers through 36 months and includes crafts, playtime and overall good times! They love it. Below is the craft they made this week (Firehouse dogs).

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fun with Spices

The girls have discovered the lazy susan and it's contents. Since there's nothing toxic in there, I let them play and taste. Sylvia grabbed a box of black pepper and quickly realized she didn't want to eat it. Evelyn, on the other hand, loves garlic salt!