Saturday, December 29, 2012


We had a blast bowling over Christmas Break.  Mommy won, then the girls, then Daddy (he's not good!).  ha!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Little Fish

I've blogged before about my little fish, but here they are in action.  They can float on their backs (getting there by themselves), dive to the bottom to retrive a ring, swim like real swimmers.  It is going to be an awesome summer! 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Dinner

What an awesome Christmas!  We were so lucky to have Grandpa, Gramps and Grammommy all visit us from Dec 21st - 26th.

Christmas Eve & Morning

Christmas Morning Videos

Evelyn and Sylvia were  pretty overwhelmed.  I'm not sure if they knew what to do!  Major gifts this year included the big girl bikes, custom lego table topper for the top of their craft table, tons of legos, roller skates, craft supplies, card making kit (they love to make cards!), nightgowns, a mini golf set, and puzzles. 

Monday, December 24, 2012

Preparing for Santa's Arrival

Evelyn and Sylvia were really excited about the rituals of preparing for Santa.  We made gingerbread cookies and carefully selected the ones for Santa.  The girls made magic reindeer food too -- oats and sprinkles.  We set out some carrots for the reindeers too.  I think the girls feel asleep the fastest they ever have.  They both said they would "read just one book and go right to bed." 

I thought for sure they would both be up earlier than usual (Evelyn is almost always awake in her room by 6:30am, but stays put reading and resting until 7:00am on the dot).  Christmas morning they actually slept in! 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Nutcracker & Meeting the Ballerinas; Birthday Party; and More Gingerbread Houses

The girls LOVED their first Nutcracker experience.  Had a blast at baby Ryan's 2nd birthday; and decorated another gingerbread house (this one fell apart!).