Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Baby Moon Part 2

To escape the madness of the Inauguration activities, we escaped to the Goodstone Inn in Middleburg, Virginia. Only about an hour from DC, but we felt like we had really escaped! It was lovely! The property is amazing! There are five different houses on the 265 acre property with only 17 rooms. We stayed in the Dutch Cottage and we called ahead to see if anyone was staying in the second room and to our surprise they said they reserved the entire cottage for us. David called ahead and arranged for candles, rose peddles, flowers and champagne (cider for me)...it was super romantic. We dined in the restaurant our first night and it was nearly as nice as the Inn at Little Washington (our best meal in the area...nothing still has beat the Otahuna Lodge in New Zealand). It was seven courses of amazing food and presentation. The second day it snowed and the countryside was beautiful. After exploring the quaint town of Middleburg, we cuddled up to the fire and enjoyed a day in the cottage. We will definitely return to the Goodstone! Check it out.

Monday, January 19, 2009

24 Weeks

The girls' are almost foot long (picture an ear of corn you Hoosiers!). Their brains are also growing quickly now, and their taste buds are continuing to develop. Their lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help the air sacs inflate once they hits the outside world. The girls' skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.

My regular OBGYN visit on Friday went well. Both heartbeats are around 160. They threatened bedrest again and I fired back with the statement of "rockstar cervix" by my perinatologist and the fact that there is no clinical evidence that indicates bedrest without a medical reason prevents preterm labor. She agreed and said we'd come up with a workable solution when the time comes. What a relief. Don't get me wrong, I may happily accept staying at home instead of commuting nearly 2 hours a day, but bedrest sounds DREADFUL!!!! However, if there's ever a medical reason for it, I will not push back whatsoever.

So, do I look bigger this week?