AS I've mentioned before, Sylvia loves to be naked (she calls it "na na"). We don't let her run around in the total buff...but she escapes sometimes. Christmas evening she made a bee line right to the the buff! She will hate me in the future for posting this, but it's too cute!
The girls had a lovely Christmas with their Gram and Gramps (Mommy and Daddy too). They were showered with gifts from everyone -- a new dollhouse bookcase handcrafted, Mommy's doll furniture (over 100 years old...will do post on this later), pink retro kitchen, Radio Flyer wagon and tricycle, bubble lawnmover, megablocks, barrettes, stickers, coloring books, backpacks, mittens/hats, personalized cookie jars, bath toys, clothes, books, puzzles, adult-sized keyboard, doll babies, doctor play kit, play jewelry, plus numerous other things. Probably should have held some for their birthday! Too much! The girls are spoiled by their family and loved ones. Merry Christmas to all.
The girls exchanged gifts with Angela before Thursday before Christmas. She gave them an adorable dress (for Sylvia), cute shirt (for Evelyn) and doctor's play set. Her parents even sent presents for the girls too (after much begging for this to stop)!! Too sweet of all the Eubanks and totally unnecessary! Merry Christmas, La La! We love you.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Romley's. We sent out a ton of cards this year, so hopefully you got yours! If you can't figure out who's who at this point, Evelyn is on the left and Sylvia on the right in the picture immediately above this text.