Wednesday, September 1, 2010

More Teeth

Well, the big ones came -- both got their upper 1 year molars at the same time! And, during the move! We thought they were screaming because of their new environment, but they were really screaming because of their teeth!

They both now have 8 teeth! And, they are working on their lower 1 year molars. It was a rough 10 days!


Here's tiny Evelyn running around the yard.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bad Influence Already

Sylvia can be a bad influence on Evelyn and vice versa. Here are two good examples. First, Sylvia, then Evelyn.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Moving Videos

We have been BUSY! We've moved to a new house on August 25th! Here's the link if you want to see it. We love it. Our townhouse is rented and we are pretty much moved in. It has a HUGE yard and tons of space for the girls to roam. We love it!

Here are some videos of our move. Pictures to come.