Saturday, November 7, 2009


Both girls are now babbling, but here's a video of Evelyn's first babbles. Sylvia started soon after and favors Da Da, while Evelyn says Ma Ma. It's super cute.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Cute Smiley Picture of Evelyn

This is just an adorable picture of Evelyn and her gigantic cheeks, courtesy of our friend Jen Smith. She's a great photographer.

Play Date

We had our first real play date with our friends Ella and Max on Friday. They are all 6 months old -- Ella is 22 days older and Max is 14 hours older than the girls. It was fun to have them interact. Our typical play dates involve feeding them, feeding ourselves and then going on a walk. Now, they are nearly mobile, sitting up, reaching and "talking." Ella had a thing for Sylvia and kept crawling over to hear and grabbing her face. It was really cute. Ella didn't seem to care much for Max or Evelyn. They have similar features (blue eyes, ligher hair), so maybe she thought she saw herself. Max was super cute, babbling and rolling around on his belly. It was a great time had by all. Here's a link to the pictures taken by Jen (Ella's Mom).

Here's a link a cute video of Ella reaching for Sylvia:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Government Issued Fun

We have TONS of toys, but their favorite is my blackberry! Evelyn chases it around the room and Sylvia will fall over from sitting just to get a taste of the metallic goodness!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Jumping Sylvia

I don't think I ever posted a picture of Sylvia jumping in the jumper. While she loves the exersaucer the most, she does like jumping too.

Cute Smiles

Just a few posts of our girls' adorable smiles. I think Evelyn definitely has a dimple (Gram pointed that out a while and I wasn't totally convinced, now it's definitely there all the time). Sylvia's smile is always open mouthed and big. I call it her clown smile.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mommy, Gram and Uncle Shane

Grandpa Benson was digging through some old pictures and sent this one of me, my Mom and brother Shane.