Friday, March 18, 2011

New Toys

While at a consignment sale a few weeks ago, I spied a vacuum for $2. Of course, I had to buy it. Seriously, they love to "clean" so this was perfect training for all the chores they will have to do in a few years. Ha! For about 2 weeks, it's all they played with, and fought over. They'd often refuse to turn it off. I dreamt with that vacuum noise in the background. Yes, my own darn fault, but they love it. I also bought them tinker toys (in the retro can!), chutes and ladders, and Mr Potato head.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day

The girls have a good bit of Irish in them--I think 25% from David's side and some from my side, I think. Anyway, I couldn't find a single piece of green clothing in their closet today, but they celebrated at the library and made Princess crowns. Sylvia wore hers until it was time for nap (they are still very into hats!). Aren't they cute? [Picture courtesy of Angela]

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Well, Sylvia is not only jumping, she's climbing. On Sunday, she decided to CLIMB OUT OF HER CRIB. She was very upset about taking a nap on Sunday that she climbed out of her crib -- TWICE. Thank goodness she didn't hurt herself. I've done some reading and experts say it's not necessary to immediately change her to a big girl bed, so I'm hoping that she won't repeat this. We've told her she hurt herself and she seems to get the message. That just might change the next time she doesn't want to take a nap. Might just have to try a crib tent before moving her to a big girl bed. I don't think she's ready; and Mommy is DEFINITELY NOT READY!


Evelyn and Sylvia are 2 months shy of 2!!! They are nearly the same height at about 33.5 inches.