Saturday, November 26, 2011

Catching Up

It's been 2 weeks since I've posted. I've been very busy. We had lots of family visiting for Thanksgiving and I've been wiped out. Slowly, but surely, I will catch up.

Few highlights and videos:
*The girls LOVE Christmas and can't get enough of Jingle Bells. This video was at the end of their screaming and dancing show that on for about 15 minutes.
*We all had fun at the Postal Museum and they danced on the post rail car.

Botantical Gardens

After Thanksgiving we put up our tree, hosted Angela's family for dinner on Friday and on Saturday headed to the US Botanical Gardens for their holiday exhibit. Very cool! The girls loved it, and playing in the fountain...before Evelyn fell and got all wet!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving was awesome. Grandpa Benson and Grandma Debi arrived from Fort Wayne, Indiana on Wednesday and stayed through Sunday night. David's brother (Aaron), his wife (Suzette) and the girls' cousins Brandon and Aaron also came Thanksgiving dinner and stayed through the night. I made a big meal, the girls helped Debi make a pie, we played football, and enjoyed smores and fire, the girls and Brandon raced down the hill over and over, ate pie, and then made gingerbread houses. And, check out that sunset!