At one day before Evelyn's first birthday, she weighed 19lbs 2oz (20th percentile -- peanut!), measured 28 3/4 inches (40th percentile), and her head measured 17 1/4 inches (15th percentile). She is very healthy and right on track according to the doctors.
Evelyn is still our busy little girl, but surprisingly this chair has slowed her down a bit. After falling off of it a few times when ignoring Mommy's requests to "sit on your bottom", she really enjoys sitting in this chair. She will sit in it and play with her purse (and it's contents) and her dolly. She may get out of the chair and play with other toys, but if Sylvia tries to get in the chair she is suddenly only interested in it. She will push Sylvia out of the chair in a flash. Yes, I know, I need to get another chair. I had no idea this one was going to be such a hit.
Evelyn takes about 6 steps when we prop her back to a wall or the couch. She will stand for about 5 seconds. Given how early she crawled (7mos), I'm surprised she's not walking yet. But, I am not rushing her! She has extremely good fine motor skills and can pick up the smallest object (and typically put it in her mouth). She's a good sleeper, but is a bit dramatic when she is put down for the night - she cries for a few seconds at the top of her lungs and then calms down. She is very clingy and loves her Mommy. She's the first to whine if you are out of her sight for a second or two. However, at the same time, she is very independent. She will play by herself for a long time. She is also very loving and will give her sister a hug and kiss anytime we ask her to. She's recently learned how to sign "please" and it's so cute! Evelyn is a very good eater. She loves strawberries, meatballs, peas, beans, corn carrots, lasagna, and cheese especially. She has 3 teeth and working on a 4th.
She says mama, dada, baba, tickle tickle (and actually does the motion to tickle us, herself or her sister), and bird. She often repeats words, but not consistently, like "kick it," "go," "get it." She's a very good imitator or actions and words. We think she is a very smart little girl. She is super smiley and knows how to make the cutest little faces to get you to laugh. Note, the last picture, prime example of this.
We love her more than words can express! We can't wait to see what
excitement the next year holds!