Saturday, May 1, 2010

Best 1st Birthday Party Ever!

Evelyn and Sylvia celebrated their 1st birthday party with lots of friends and family on May 1st. Great Granny (nearly 90 years old!), Gram and Gramps visited from Indiana and Michigan. Their cousin's came from Philadelphia and lots of local friends! It was really special to have everyone there.
We had a big party at our house. About 10 of their friends came and 22 adults. All the kiddos were under 18 months except for one who's 6. It was good fun! We played a little, ate a lot, sang happy birthday and then turned them onto their yummy and pretty smash cakes (made by Angela!). Check out Sylvia's cake -- she finally enjoyed cake! And, she ate more than Evelyn!

Within three hours, the girls were ready for naps! What a good day, and an incredible year!

Fun at the Park

The girls love to go to one of the many tot lots in our neighbhorhood! We took them to the park after their birthday party and naps with cousin's Laura and RJ (we're going to call them Aunt and Uncle from now on).

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Aren't they so big and cute these days?

New Hair Styles

Keeping the girls' hair cute and clean is always a challenge. They love to run their dirty fingers through their hair while eating lunch. They can't stand to have a ponytail holder in their either. These new do's lasted about an hour. A record!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sylvia at 1 Year!

At one day before Sylvia first birthday, she weighed 20lbs 5oz (40th percentile), measured 29 inches (48th percentile), and her head measured 18 centimeters (15th percentile). She is very healthy and right on track according to the doctors.
Sylvia is a huge talker. When she wakes up in the morning, the first thing she says is "bird" and points to the bird mobile. Lately, her favorite word is 'baby." She calls everything a baby, even us! She points at flowers and says "baby." It's super cute. She also uses other "B" words, including bear, bye-bye, ball. You can tell her to go get the baby, bear or ball and she does. She uses mama, dada, and baba too (Momma and Dada for us). She signs please and more.
She loves music today and will use one finger to play her piano. She actually is very careful about the keys she hits and does not just bang it. She loves maracas, tambourine, and our homemade shaker bottle. She will definitely play an instrument.
Sylvia takes about 3-4 steps when she's standing -- all unprovoked! She's made great strides lately and will stand up from sitting on her chair and will walk towards you. She also has extremely good fine motor skills and can pick up the smallest object (and typically put it in her mouth). When she gets her hands on a remote control she pushes the buttons very carefully, unlike other kids who just stick it in their mouths.
She's a very good sleeper. She loves to have books read to her. She will point at the pages and usually say "bear or baby." Too cute. When you lay her in the crib, she will stay put, allow you to put a blanket over her, rub her forehead a bit. Most of the time she won't move. She twirls her hair and makes a very loud, uuuuhhhhhh sound to put herself to sleep (we've posted videos of this already). She almost always wakes up happy. She will give you the biggest hugs after naps.
She's a good sleeper, but is a bit dramatic when she is put down for the night - she cries for a few seconds at the top of her lungs and then calms down. She is very clingy and loves her Mommy.
Sylvia is a good eater, but a little picky. But, she is not consistently picky about not eating one particular food. She does love avocado, cheese, cottage cheese, bread, crackers, and corn. She now insists on hold her own spoon. It's a very messy eating adventure!

We love her more than words can express! We can't wait to see what excitement the next year holds!

Evelyn at 1 Year

At one day before Evelyn's first birthday, she weighed 19lbs 2oz (20th percentile -- peanut!), measured 28 3/4 inches (40th percentile), and her head measured 17 1/4 inches (15th percentile). She is very healthy and right on track according to the doctors.
Evelyn is still our busy little girl, but surprisingly this chair has slowed her down a bit. After falling off of it a few times when ignoring Mommy's requests to "sit on your bottom", she really enjoys sitting in this chair. She will sit in it and play with her purse (and it's contents) and her dolly. She may get out of the chair and play with other toys, but if Sylvia tries to get in the chair she is suddenly only interested in it. She will push Sylvia out of the chair in a flash. Yes, I know, I need to get another chair. I had no idea this one was going to be such a hit.

Evelyn takes about 6 steps when we prop her back to a wall or the couch. She will stand for about 5 seconds. Given how early she crawled (7mos), I'm surprised she's not walking yet. But, I am not rushing her! She has extremely good fine motor skills and can pick up the smallest object (and typically put it in her mouth). She's a good sleeper, but is a bit dramatic when she is put down for the night - she cries for a few seconds at the top of her lungs and then calms down. She is very clingy and loves her Mommy. She's the first to whine if you are out of her sight for a second or two. However, at the same time, she is very independent. She will play by herself for a long time. She is also very loving and will give her sister a hug and kiss anytime we ask her to. She's recently learned how to sign "please" and it's so cute! Evelyn is a very good eater. She loves strawberries, meatballs, peas, beans, corn carrots, lasagna, and cheese especially. She has 3 teeth and working on a 4th.

She says mama, dada, baba, tickle tickle (and actually does the motion to tickle us, herself or her sister), and bird. She often repeats words, but not consistently, like "kick it," "go," "get it." She's a very good imitator or actions and words. We think she is a very smart little girl. She is super smiley and knows how to make the cutest little faces to get you to laugh. Note, the last picture, prime example of this.

We love her more than words can express! We can't wait to see what excitement the next year holds!

Sylvia and Evelyn Turn One!!!!

On April 28, 2009, our little girls, Evelyn and Sylvia, turned 1. It is hard to believe 365 days ago at 7:17pm and 7:18pm our lives changed forever, in the best possible way. We have come so far and have experienced so much. It is truly amazing how much love you can feel for your babies.
They are incredible little girls now. I think the days of calling them "babies" may be over. They look and act like little girls. They love purses, fake lipstick, their dolls, bears, and playing in their playhouse. They now give big hugs, climb into your lap, kiss each other, and continue to melt our hearts with their laughs and smiles.
We are so lucky. People often ask us if we want to have more children. My response is almost always "Why?" David and I have a perfect life and a perfect family. Sure, another baby wouldn't make it unperfect, but we don't feel the need to change one thing. Life is good. Two on Two is great. There's plenty of love for these little girls and I couldn't imagine taking any of my time, effort, energy away from them.
We were told early on to "Soak Up the Magic" of having children. We do that every day. They are the best thing that ever happened to us. We couldn't be happier!
Happy Birthday, Evelyn and Sylvia. Mommy and Daddy love you very much.
[We are turning this blog into a book for their 1 year birthday. Talk about a baby book!]
Note about the pictures. They are getting so big and restless. We are going to transition into taking the pictures on the floor. We may have to take the pictures solo too. It is very difficult for Evelyn to sit still enough to take a decent picture.

The First Birthday Celebration

For the girls' actual birthday celebration on Wednesday, April 28th it was a day of fun! Their boyfrield Wyatt came over for a play date and brought them flowers. What a gentleman! Later, we went to dinner and enjoyed cupcakes. Sylvia wanted nothing to do with them. Evelyn dug right in! Sylvia was far more intereted in eating crayons! The big party is on Saturday.