Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hats and Playgroup

Because their friend Finn was wearing a hat at playgroup, Sylvia really wanted to wear one too. Then, everyone wanted to wear one. That evening, Sylvia even wanted to wear her hat upstairs to bed and threw a fit when Evelyn didn't want to do the same. Girls!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

I made the girls and Daddy pink, heart shaped pancakes for Valentines' Day.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Just Cute Pictures and Silly Videos

The girls are getting SO BIG.

Weekend Fun

This weekend was great except Sylvia's decision not to nap either day. She must be so excited to spend time with Mommy and Daddy, there's no time for sleep!

We caught up with friends we hadn't seen for a while. Went to the zoo with the Morris family (their children are nearly 2.5 and almost 5 months) on Saturday morning. The girls played downstairs with the big kids and they had a blast. It was funny how the girls begged for the banana I had in my bag while in the Ape House.

On Sunday the Jones' visited with their kids -- 6, 4.5, and 2.5. It was a blast! Their girls organized a music show for us! See video.