Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tearing Up Newspaper

All the time the girls are experiencing new textures. They love magazines, but especially loved this newspaper. It also turned their little hands black. Probably wasn't the best texture to play with, but it was fun! They didn't even try to eat it.

Mommy & Daddy With Their Girls

Me and My Girls

I rarely have pictures taken with me and my babies. I have to beg for them. Here we are one weekend morning.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sylvia On The Move

Sylvia is now scooting! She maneuvered her way to the tunnel and pulled it down to play with the toys. Check out this adorable picture Angela sent to us at work! Do you think it put a smile on my face?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Playing Together

The girls really are playing together. They steal each other's toys and make each other giggle. It's adorable. Turn up the volume on the video and you can hear Evelyn cracking up every time Sylvia looks at her.

Indian Summer

The girls enjoyed the Indian Summer day on November 16th. It was lovely and Angela took full advantage by taking them to the waterfront in Old Town. The girls enjoyed playing with leaves and showing their true personalities. Sylvia held onto the same two leaves the entire time and studied them carefully. On the other hand, Evelyn couldn't get enough leaves, she's crinkle them up and shove them into her mouth. It was a good day!

Gram's Visit

This is WAY over due, but Gram came to visit in early November. The girls loved being read to by her. We could also take a lesson or two from her on her neat feeding techniques (they are so clean when she's done...we don't know how she does it!).