Saturday, April 18, 2009

We Are Going for It!

We have been waiting to tell everyone for the longest time...we finally did it! We've been dying to take advantage of the foreclosure market in DC. We've found the perfect house to raise the little's 22K square feet, on 57 acres and move-in ready! Isn't it beautiful?

NOT -- Only in our wildest dreams! This Harvard University owned beauty is probably only a few hundy million! After lunch at Cafe Milano in Georgetown, then to Thomas Sweet for ice cream, we made it to our planned destination -- Dumbarton Oaks Gardens (the house is what we "bought"). It was absolutely stunning! A glorious 78 degree day made for a perfect afternoon. We both have sunburns! After a long day on our feet, we picked up Middle Eastern food and a movie, put of our feet up and chilled.

"Hit a Home Run With Twins"

As we've mentioned before our perinatologist has excellent quotes for us. This time she said "You've hit a home run carrying twins. A lot of people would pay big money to have such a great pregnancy. You are very lucky." She almost made me cry when she said that! While I knew we've been lucky, to hear a specialist say that was really the icing on the cake!

The doctor's visit was a breeze. Yet another non-stress test; Right Baby took a little longer to pass her test than last time, but it still only took the minimum required time. Both girls were up for 5 hours with me in the middle of the night, so I think she was just sleepy. No concerns though. I had just one practice contraction, so we're in the clear!

The ultrasound was quick...all they really did was check for fluid levels. Apparently, I have tons and the girls are content floating around in their pee for a few more days. We didn't get great pictures--she took one of Right Baby's ear, it looked big! My family has big ears (thankfully I didn't inherit that fine trait). However, it's so hard to tell anything at this point because they are so big.

They didn't measure their weight. Apparently they do that only every 21 days. I guess since weight fluctuates daily and there is a margin of error, experts don't advise it. So, we'll have to take a poll on their length and weight. Any guesses? David suggested 6lbs6oz and 6lbs2oz with Right Baby being the bigger baby. I think we'll be more about 5lbs11oz for Right Baby (she was always the smallest) and 6lbs4oz for left baby. Just my guesses right now at 5am!

It was a beautiful day, so to celebrate our final days of a two person family, we went for Mexican. David had a gigantic margarita and then passed out as soon as we got home! Boy, I think we're ready for this parenting stuff. Especially given that I'm already awake (slept 4 hours Thursday night and 6 last night)!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Doctor's Visit

Yet another positive visit at the OBGYN. The girls heartbeats were 155 and 152, my blood pressure is good 126/68, and no issues with extra protiens. The doc checked me out and I'm 50% effaced, which means my cervix is softening the way it should. Typically in a first birth, effacement occurs before dilation (interestingly, it's the opposite if you're on birth 2 or more). And, I'm not dilated; not one centimer! So, that's good. It means I likely won't go into labor anytime soon. I was given instructions to call immediately if my water(s) break, I experience regular contractions about 10 minutes apart for 1-2 hours, or if I have any bleeding.

Other important information -- I've been given the choice of natural delivery or a c-section. I opted for a natural delivery. I will be able to labor in a labor and delivery room until we get close to delivery and then I will be transferred to an operating room, just in case they flip breech and she can't get them out. I have the option of an epidural, but if I choose not to have one and they have to do an emergency c-section, I will be knocked out for the surgery. Therefore, I will opt for an epidural. I'm not going to miss seeing these girls born!

I go back to the OBGYN in one week for another check. She said I'll be scheduled for inducement on April 27th if they don't come naturally before then.

Also, I asked the doc "So, we should be pretty good if we last until Sunday (37 weeks), right?" And she replied "you'd be alright now!." Great news! We are in the clear! Of course, anything can happen in deliver (swallow meconium, etc), but the "baking" is pretty much done! David says they are medium rare. ha ha

...until Friday when I update you all on the ultrasound.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

36 Weeks--14 Days and Counting!

At the end of this week, the babies will be considered full term. This is the case for all babies -- full term for singletons or twins (or 8 babies for that matter) are all full term at 37 weeks.

Besides numbness in my fingers (which I mentioned a few days ago), some pelivc pressure (surprisingly, it's more in the middle of the night than any other time), and some swelling in my feet, I'm feeling good. I was on my feet nearly all day yesterday baking and running around and all it did was make me sleep better! I slept about 9 hours and only got up twice. I'm fighting the urge to go the bathroom all the time, but I still keep up the fluid intake. Also, besides struggling to pick things up I've dropped and put things away in cabinets (my belly gets in the way), I seriously sometimes forget I'm HUGE! For two weeks to go, I feel pretty fortunate to feel this great.

Here's what's going on according to the text books:

The babies are still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day each. They now weighs almost 6 pounds (We're keeping up with the text books!) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. They are shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered their body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected their skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. The girls swallow both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of their first bowel movement.