Yet another positive visit at the OBGYN. The girls heartbeats were 155 and 152, my blood pressure is good 126/68, and no issues with extra protiens. The doc checked me out and I'm 50% effaced, which means my cervix is softening the way it should. Typically in a first birth, effacement occurs before dilation (interestingly, it's the opposite if you're on birth 2 or more). And, I'm not dilated; not one centimer! So, that's good. It means I likely won't go into labor anytime soon. I was given instructions to call immediately if my water(s) break, I experience regular contractions about 10 minutes apart for 1-2 hours, or if I have any bleeding.
Other important information -- I've been given the choice of natural delivery or a c-section. I opted for a natural delivery. I will be able to labor in a labor and delivery room until we get close to delivery and then I will be transferred to an operating room, just in case they flip breech and she can't get them out. I have the option of an epidural, but if I choose not to have one and they have to do an emergency c-section, I will be knocked out for the surgery. Therefore, I will opt for an epidural. I'm not going to miss seeing these girls born!
I go back to the OBGYN in one week for another check. She said I'll be scheduled for inducement on April 27th if they don't come naturally before then.
Also, I asked the doc "So, we should be pretty good if we last until Sunday (37 weeks), right?" And she replied "you'd be alright now!." Great news! We are in the clear! Of course, anything can happen in deliver (swallow meconium, etc), but the "baking" is pretty much done! David says they are medium rare. ha ha
...until Friday when I update you all on the ultrasound.