Saturday, May 14, 2011


I've been working with the girls to say their own name and their sister's name. I've figured out if I change the V's to B's, they can do it. Here's Sylvia saying Eb-a-lynn.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Evelyn Pee Pee's on Potty

Something strange happened yesterday. As usual, when I got home the girls were in the backyard playing. They were already in their bathing suits and playing in the pool. We were also playing in the sandbox. Sylvia drug a chair under the swing set and said she wanted to sit on it. She did and then all of a sudden Evelyn said "ya ya, pee pee." Sylvia peed on the chair (swim diapers don't collect urine, just poop). I told Sylvia if she has to potty, we go inside. Evelyn said "yeah, pee pee, upstairs on potty." So we went inside, upstairs, and I pulled off her suit and swim diaper. We left the bathroom so she had privacy and sure enough, she went! After bath she told me she had to go and went again on the potty! This morning, she went again! How about that! I'm surprised it's Evelyn because Sylvia is often asking to be changed and crying because she's going in her diaper (a sign she doesn't like it, but Sylvia isn't very interested in sitting on it). Good work, Evelyn. I plan to keep this up until I know they are ready and then we will do the 3 day potty training. I seriously can't potty train two kids at once for months on end! We'll see how it all goes, but we're off to a great start in that Evelyn is telling us when she has to go and going! Angela is going to take them out to pick out special stickers they get as rewards when they potty.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Second Year Finale

We have fully celebrated Evelyn and Sylvia's second year of life. It's been an amazing ride with lots of ups and downs, but with lots of great memories. We are creating hard covered books from this blog for each year of life and this entry will cap off year 2. They will each have a copy. We hope they love these books and reflect on them as cherished memories of their life.

Also, since you never know what might come of their memory boxes with cards and other cherished items, I thought it would be nice to include what we wrote in their birthday cards here on the blog.

Evelyn (it was a cute monkey card), Happy birthday my little money. It's hard to believe you are already 2! You are such a sweet, outgoing and funny little girl. You are incredibly kind to your sister already, making sure she has a "turn," her water, blanket, toy, etc. You say "here Ya Ya." Neither of you are interested in saying each others real names, even though your language skills are very good! You can't go anywhere without waiving to everyone and saying "hi". You love to sing and dance. You love your stuffed dog "pup pup" and your purple blanket. You are a bit of a dare devil and have the most infectious laugh and simple; those dimples ("special dimples" get us every time. We are so fortunate you are our little girl. We love you so much and know you will continue to grow up a wonderful daughter, sister and friend. Hugs and kisses forever, Love, Mommy

Evelyn, Happy birthday Boo boo. Your Mommy and Daddy love you so much and are so excited to see you turn two. You are such a Daddy's girl. I am so excited to see you when I return home each day and so sad to say goodbye to you in the morning. I love talking to you at night before you to go bed. You have full conversations with me even though I only understand every other word. You are such a good climber and like to show me how well you climb on your play set. You are such a good eater and will almost eat anything. You like to help Daddy with his coffee and always ask me to sit next to you. You are such a happy girl. We love you!!! Love, Daddy

Sylvia (her card is of a furry Kitty), My Silly Syl, you are such a sweet little goofball. You are getting so big - already 2- Happy Birthday! You have the biggest, goofiest smile ever and make the best expressions of anyone we know -- you are quick to let us know when you're excited and happy. You LOVE books and have to go to bed with at least 8 and say all day long "read Mommy." You are obsessed with snapping buckles and fiddling with latches -- your Daddy says you will be an engineer. You love the iPad and practicing shapes, colors, numbers and letters. You love to sing "wheels on a bus," the water (swimming and sprinklers), bubbles, chalk, sandbox and glue. You are strong willed and sassy, both characteristics we have gave you. :) You are an amazing little girl eager to learn and full of curls. We are so lucky to have you! We know you will continue to be a loving daughter, sister and friend. We love you! Love, Mommy.

Syl, Syl, Let's go for a horsey ride! You love to ride on my shoulders and make sounds like a horse while kicking me to "go"! You love to wear sunglasses and to push mine on top of my head. You love to build and tinker with tinker toys. Whenever you ask me to pick you up, you always give me a kiss. And, you are such a good swimmer! Your Mommy and I love you very much. Love, Daddy.