Saturday, September 28, 2013

End of Season T-Ball Party

While the season ended in May, at the end of September, we had our end of season t-ball party with a parent and kid game.  The players were all named MVPs and got really cool personalized trophies.  The girls couldn't believe it!  So fun! 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Saying Goodbye to An Life Long Friend (well, 4 year old friend!)

The girls' pal, Finn, moved away!  They've known each other since they were about 8 weeks old and born only a day apart.  It was a sad day to say goodbye to dear friends, including their Mom and brother.  We had a little party at the house to say goodbye with Wyatt, Chip, Finn, Evelyn and Sylvia + siblings Gresham and Mack + Mommies Kristen, Kathy and Julia.  What a fun day!