Other happenings...I got these wonderful floaties/life jackets and can take the girls in the big pool by myself (together!). It's liberating! We've had a ton of playdates with friends after work and lots of trips to our pool. We've also met a new friend (baby Olivia born 6 weeks ago), went to a friend's christening (baby Melina, sister to Max, the girls' friend who was born a day after them). David had a minor surgery, so we helped him recover with lots of snacks and time on the couch. David also took a trip to St. Louis for Marine Week and a sucessful bruch his Foundation hosted and our patio project is in full swing.
We are gearing up for a trip to Michigan to see Great Granny, Grammommy, Gramps, Uncle Gage, 4 cousins, and Great Uncle Kirk. Should be good fun! We took them on a choo choo (metro) to the airport to see airplanes. A few days later we went to watch them take out and land near the airport, which the girls LOVED, but it was awfully loud and it scared them a bit.
An update post-trip will be in order after the 4th.
Happy Independence Day.