Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What We've Been Up To

We've been busy and I don't even have cute pictures of the girls to post. It's hard when you're outside all the time and without the camera. David and I have been to several of his work-related functions recently. All have been good, but one was really good. I got to meet Jon Stewart and hear Train live (not like chatting with the Commandant of the Marine Corps and his wife, along with other heavy political hitters isn't also very cool!). See grainy picture taken from David's phone.

Other happenings...I got these wonderful floaties/life jackets and can take the girls in the big pool by myself (together!). It's liberating! We've had a ton of playdates with friends after work and lots of trips to our pool. We've also met a new friend (baby Olivia born 6 weeks ago), went to a friend's christening (baby Melina, sister to Max, the girls' friend who was born a day after them). David had a minor surgery, so we helped him recover with lots of snacks and time on the couch. David also took a trip to St. Louis for Marine Week and a sucessful bruch his Foundation hosted and our patio project is in full swing.

We are gearing up for a trip to Michigan to see Great Granny, Grammommy, Gramps, Uncle Gage, 4 cousins, and Great Uncle Kirk. Should be good fun! We took them on a choo choo (metro) to the airport to see airplanes. A few days later we went to watch them take out and land near the airport, which the girls LOVED, but it was awfully loud and it scared them a bit.

An update post-trip will be in order after the 4th.

Happy Independence Day.

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