Friday, August 28, 2009

4 Months Old

It feels like yesterday I was writing up a 4 week blog entry. Now, the girls are 4 months old. They are incredibly healthy and growing like weeds. At their 4 month visit the doctor was very impressed with their sleep habits (they still sleep 12 hours at night -- we are enjoying this while it lasts because soon sleep will be disrupted by teething) and told us not to worry if they aren't good daytime nappers. However, they do nap a few times a day for about 40 minutes, just not 2-3 hours like many babies do at this age. They just don't need that much sleep during the day, so they give us a run for our money all day long. The doctor was more than impressed by their eating and said "these girls are ready for solids." They are not eating about 9oz per feeding about twice a day and 8-8.5oz the other two feedings. We are starting solids as soon as we return from vacation.

Here are their statistics--the doctor said what is important at this stage is that they are growing. It doesn't matter if they aren't totally proportional; it doesn't mean that Sylvia is always going to be rounder than she is taller or that Evelyn will always have a small head. [Daddy was worried about that.] What is interesting to me is that the girls are the same height, but Sylvia still looks much bigger. I think it's because of their head sizes. However, Evelyn is getting some mega chunk on her, especially her legs. And, she even has a fat roll under her butt! It's so funny and cute!

Head: 15 3/8 in -- 10th percentile
Height: 23 1/4 in -- 25th percentile
Weight: 12lbs 13.2oz -- 25th percentile

*Interestingly, I was 24 inches and 12lbs 14oz when I was 4 months old. Because I was so small, my doctor advised to start rice cereal very early, just 40 days after my birth and my first food (squash) was fed to me at 2 days shy of 8 weeks.
Head: 16 in -- 45th percentile
Height: 23 1/4 -- 25th percentile
Weight: 14lbs even -- 55th percentile

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dancing With Mommy

I do this little dance thing to get Evelyn to laugh. She's really into it and will actually cry when I pick up her sister for her turn. Sylvia isn't so into it, but I can't dare leave her out!

Post Mealtime Funnytime

The girls are so funny after they eat. Often is huge burps, funny squeals, finger licking, or a slight coma.

Sylvia Razzes

Yesterday, Sylvia figured out how to "razz" or raspberry. Now it's all she does and it's incredibly cute.

Evelyn discovered her toes and reaches for them all the time, I need to capture that on video next.

Sharing Already

Our friend, Mike Boorestein, and his fiance, visited (he just returned from Iraq) and brought the girls very cool toys. They can't seem to get enough of the rings. Sylvia trys to eat them and Evelyn holds on tight. Here they are -- for the first time -- sharing a toy.

Daddy's Retirement

After 20 years in the Marine Corps, Daddy retired! Friday was his last day and he didn't want a huge retirement ceremony (mind you, Officers rate a full parade with band and everything!). After a small awards ceremony at the Pentagon, we went out for beers with his work collegues. His staff gave him some very thoughtful gifts -- a flag flown above Iwo Jima, a scrapbook with pictures and good-bye messages and they also had him named "National COMRELADANT" by the Marine Corps League. If you don't know the Marine Corps League is a group of old (typically chubby) former Marines who wear red hats and jackets. COMREL is the Community Relations office David was in charge of. ADADT is akin to Commandant (the head of the Marine Corps). So, it was a joke. Very funny joke.

It was a great time and the girls were very well behaved! Daddy even changed their diapers on this old desk!

Congratulations, Daddy! What an amazing career, which he most certainly will miss!