The girls' are almost foot long (picture an ear of corn you Hoosiers!). Their brains are also growing quickly now, and their taste buds are continuing to develop. Their lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help the air sacs inflate once they hits the outside world. The girls' skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.
My regular OBGYN visit on Friday went well. Both heartbeats are around 160. They threatened bedrest again and I fired back with the statement of "rockstar cervix" by my perinatologist and the fact that there is no clinical evidence that indicates bedrest without a medical reason prevents preterm labor. She agreed and said we'd come up with a workable solution when the time comes. What a relief. Don't get me wrong, I may happily accept staying at home instead of commuting nearly 2 hours a day, but bedrest sounds DREADFUL!!!! However, if there's ever a medical reason for it, I will not push back whatsoever.
So, do I look bigger this week?
Auntie you are getting HUGE!
You look so cute!!
Meredith! Saw your blog info from a Tracy comment on FB. You look awesome. Congratulations! So exciting!!!
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