Now, Sylvia and Evelyn both have colds. I took Sylvia to the doctor just to make sure she indeed just had a virus (no strep throat, ear infection, etc) with all the added coughing (Evelyn hadn't yet developed a cold yet). Poor baby. It's so hard seeing your little ones suffer. Should I feel flattered that they always wait for Mommy before it begins? True Love.
Evelyn is definitely working on her upper canines. She bit a chair yesterday! And, put her hands in her mouth and screamed. She's never really been affected like this...she's such a toughy. A little oragel made her all better.
Spring will come soon enough and the germies will be gone (hopefully!). I say to myself this is all good for their immunity development, but it just sucks!
In brighter news, the girls are definitely talking more. They love to sled (we had 5 inches last week). And, they are 22 months old. I've evolved to saying "they are almost 2." [I still count months for the blog, but not when asked how old they are.] How'd that happen?
When I can surface above the yuckiness, I'll take picutres and post videos. It just hasn't been my focus lately. I really need a good night's rest.
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