Tuesday, August 4, 2009

2 Cribs & 2 Babies Back In Swaddles

As you may recall, Evelyn was kicking her sister in the head, so we realized we needed another crib. It's been assembled and in use for the last 2 weeks. All is well. No screaming in the middle of the night caused by one baby hurting the other. However, I do think they miss each other. Also, we've tried several times to unswaddle the girls. Evelyn is fine throughout the night, but is nearly impossible to get to sleep without the miracle blanket swaddle. However, Sylvia wakes up all night long. She cries out and a paci fixes the problem...well, for about 40 minutes. We typically put the girls to sleep with pacifiers (calms them down), but within 15 minutes they spit them out. Therefore, after a sleepless night on Monday, we reswaddled both girls. They were in dreamland by 7:25pm and we didn't have to go back upstairs once! We even had to wake them up at 7am! They are sleepers!

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