I've been a slacker and not writing because I've been hoping to post some pictures. Our last doctor's visit went well, passing our latest blood test (the AFP) with flying colors. The RN had a hard time finding Baby A, but the doc found him/her right away. My next ultrasound is on 12/12 and we'll find out their gender!!! I'm soooo excited. Everyone keeps asking what I think they are -- I have no idea! How would I have a clue?
So, onto their developments (Btw, besides a cold which lasted a week, I feel fabulous!)--
The babies are 5 ounces and are 5 inches from head to bottom. The skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. They can bend their joints and sweat glands are starting to develop. Their hearts are now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as your baby continues to develop. Isn't this insane? Now you have a good idea why I'm no longer running...I'm huffing and walking on an inclined treadmill! Last week, the ears are very close to their final position and the patterning of the scalp has begun. They have tiny toenails.
Attached is a picture of what the babies are supposed to look like at 17 weeks, and a picture of my belly at 17 weeks, 1 day. I'm starting to show (no one has said so yet), but all my clothes still fit...they are snug!
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