Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Not a Happy Pregnant Camper

I had a routine 4 week checkup at the doctor today. Fun facts -- Baby A's heartrate was 155 and Baby B's was 166. Both normal. Both babies are head down according to the ultrasound, but they will continue to move around. My fundal height (pelvic bone to top of uterus) is 25 centimeters, which is 6 centimeters bigger than someone carrying 1 baby.

BAD NEWS: The doc told me it wasn't a question of IF I'll be on bedrest, it's WHEN!!! She said between 26 and 28 weeks, I'll be placed on modified bedrest until week 34. That means no work. I can bathe and cook my meals, but other than that I'm on the couch or in bed. I'm really bumming. You all will have to help keep me entertained. Who's known me to sit on the couch for a few hours, let alone 6-8 weeks?

1 comment:

uncleshane said...

I saved your prego pic. Love Shane