Friday, May 22, 2009

Outing with Gram

My Mom, "Gram", arrived about a week ago and has been INCREDIBLY helpful! She helps David with the 9pm feeding while I try to get some sleep. Then, she wakes up in the morning to help him with 6am feeding (don't worry, I'm up at Midnight and 3am feeding!). She's been cleaning bottles, doing laundry, watching them while I'm at doctor's appointments, etc. You name it, she's doing it.

Yesterday after my neurologist appt (my hands are still numb, now we can thank carpel tunnel!), we went to Old Town and strolled by the water on the Mt Vernon Trail. I also attempted to go shopping and was successful finding a pair of shorts and a new t-shirt! Whoo Hoo! Momma's got 2 new things. Ha ha!

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