Sunday, September 27, 2009

Nap Time Update

The girls are getting better at napping, but they typically only nap about 35 minutes at a time. Evelyn has been crunching her abs for a long time -- lifting up her head and feet at the same time (she's one huge ball of muscle) and she does it when she's fighting sleep too. Her newest thing is rolling over onto her belly and getting stuck. Sometimes she will wake up crying because she's stuck (6 times the other night!), but most of the time she will just fall asleep on her belly with her face smooshed into the mattress. Yes, this did make us a little paranoid at first, but she definitely is able to let us know when she's stuck. Sylvia is typically really easy...the falls asleep after a few grunts and talks. Here they are during nap time this weekend. And yes, SIDS Advocates, the blankets are removed promptly when they girls fall asleep.

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