Thursday, January 28, 2010

Evelyn 9 Months!

Evelyn is a busy, independent little girl. She's all over the place! She is crawling (she looks like a lizard with her feet turned outward), pulling herself up, walking behind her push toy, climbing stairs (when supervised and allowed!), climbing on me, climbing on anything she can climb on. She is has perfected falling square on her bottom and then gets back up to climb and crawl again.

She too loves the same toys as her sister and is getting more interested in dolls and plush toys. She loves wooden blocks and dumping out toys from the bins, and then crawling into the bins!
She loves to eat everything (even though she still no teeth!)-- food, paper, trash, and anything else she finds on the floor. She will get very mad at us when we try to get it out of her mouth! Seriously though, this girl loves to eat and is very good with finger foods. She loves corn, peas, green beans, broccoli, cheese, the list goes on and on. We really haven't found anything they don't eat (well, really, we don't accept that as a response...they just get it the next day!). Evelyn is a MESSY eater. She loves to put her hands in everything. And, she enjoys pulling off her bibs (annoying! especially when she laughs about it, but it's hard not to laugh too!) and tugging on her hair with her goopy hands.

Evelyn is still a good night sleeper and becoming a better day sleeper now that she has her own nursery (pictures to come, Mommy is still working on it). She's becoming more cuddly and will often take a break to lay her head on your shoulder. She's also a bit of a Mommy's girl and needs to be sitting on my lap during storytime before bed. Daddy gets very sad when she does this, but I'm sure one day she will be totally all about Daddy. He will get his turn.

Evelyn is a pretty amazing acrobat of a baby.

Here are the stats from the doctor:
17 in head = 21st percentile
27 1/4 in height = 31st percentile
19lbs 2oz in weight = 51st percentile
Looking good Little E! She actually has a fat roll over her pants! She is WAY bigger than her Mommy at 9 months (weighing in at just 16lbs 14oz), but about the same height (28 inches).

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