Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bye-Bye Paci

At the girls' 9 month visit, I asked when we should wean the pacifier. We only used it at naps and bedtime, but it was time. He said the sooner you do it, the easier it will be. He also suggested we start with naps first. Angela was there was said "oh great!" Thankfully for her it was a Friday and I told her we'd put our money where our mouth is and do it over the weekend. The naps went OK. Nighttime was another story. Evelyn cried for 45 minutes and Sylvia 30! Sometimes HARD! We never let them cry it out, so this was terrible. Each time we'd try to go in and calm them down, it got worse! The next day was much better and by Monday, there wasn't much crying at all. I'm amazed by these resiliant babies!
So, bye-bye NUKS!

1 comment:

Angela said...

whoa! I love the new background!!! very you.