Monday, April 12, 2010


A few days ago, we stopped giving the girls' milk at bedtime. And, they have been off bottles for nearly 2 months. They get about 6oz with dinner and then water while we read books. It was no big deal. The next challenge is starting to practice drinking with an open cup. The experts say sippy cups should be used only temporarily as a transition from bottle to a regular cup. Prolonged use of a sippy cup can really mess up a kid's teeth and is said to impact language development. We will only give milk at meals, no juice, and water other times. This should help ensure good dental hygiene and not affect their language development (we hope! until they discover candy!). Now that they are very proficient at sippy cup use it's time to start practicing!

Also, the girls will have their first taste of cow's milk this weekend. We're starting the transition from formula to cow's milk!

Gosh, where did the time go?

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