Tuesday, June 12, 2012

No Pictures Update

We have been having a lot of fun lately and taking NO pictures.
  • As soon as Daddy returned from 2 weeks in Europe, we had friends from Indiana come stay with us (Hollee, Max-age 10, and Meena-age 8).  They were loads of fun! 
  • We've been to the pool A LOT!  At least 2-3 times during the week and every Saturday and Sunday. The girls love it.  They don't wear life jackets any more and love to swim around with their noodle.
  • The girls went to their first baseball game. The highlight was having ice cream.  It was 91 degrees afterall.  They were troopers.
  • Grandpa sent (without parental approval) a 15 ft trampoline.  It's safety netted.  It was finally fully constructed late last night and the girls will surely be jumping on it all day today!
  • We've caught up with lots of friends (playdates for kids and adults).
  • We've had our portraits taken for Father's Day (big reveal coming soon!)
  • We are renting a lake house at Deep Creek Lake this weekend Thursday - Sunday with some friends.

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