Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Vacation Bible School

We are gearing up for preschool and signed up the girls for 3 camps (soccer, Vacation Bible School and a kiddie camp).  This week they are attending VBS at a neighbhorhood preschool.  Their class has about 12, 3 year olds with 3 teachers.  I was a little concerned there may be crying, anxiety, but they ran off to their "tribe" to sit with their friend Kaitlyn.  They had a great time doing crafts (made a neat necklace), singing songs, dancing, etc.  Oh, I must mention that Evelyn's favorite thing was "eating goldfish."  You'd think these kids are so deprived (Mom, who do I sound like???).  Evelyn has never fallen asleep so fast! They were so tired!  It's seriously the best deal going!  Just $60 for both of them to attend 3 hours/day.  And, it's well run!  Will be an annual thing, I think.

1 comment:

Grandpa Benson said...

Great Idea and should be fun time and experience for the little ones.