Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April Newsletter From School

Dear Three’s Parents,

               I hope that you and your family had a wonderful spring break. It is hard to believe that we only have two months of school left. The year has flown by and Becky and I have certainly enjoyed being with your children throughout this year.

               March was a very busy month with lots of messy activities from the sensory table being filled with rice, some new manipulative activities, to drawing under the table for “U” day, St. Patrick’s Day and Easter activities. The children still enjoy our Friday movement class and this month they enjoyed the scooters. Many thanks to the Elling and Olson families for the delicious Easter snack and treats.

               We have been working on Mat Man almost weekly and the children have certainly enjoyed drawing him. In the coming month we will be adding a new aspect of the Handwriting Without Tears program which includes Aim and Scribble which allows the child to learn to “steer” the crayon. This approach allows for a gradual development in making deliberate single strokes with control. These pre-stroke activities are fun and give lots of practice to moving the crayon. There are songs such as the “Ant, the Bug, and the Bee” that accompany the activities so you might hear your child singing such songs. We will also encourage the children to become familiar with the parts of the letters – long and short lines, big and little curves (all part of Mat Man) - which will lead to the beginning ability to form letters, ideally the first letter of their own name.

               This month we are focusing on Spring – how things grow and replenish, taking care of our environment through Earth Day activities and what the seasons mean. We will continue to learn the days of the week and how they relate to their own lives. We will count and group objects up to five and learn more about “first” and “last”. We will be looking at the last few letters of the alphabet – “W”, “X”, “Y” and “Z” and then we will have an Alphabet “Party” – celebrating all the letters! But more importantly, we will enjoy being outside as much as possible including exploring the world around us, doing art projects, reading and snack all outside. Wednesday, April 10th will be an All School Event day focusing on one of Eric Carle’s books and that Friday, April 12th dentist Dr. Tom Roberts will visit the school ad talk with the children about dental health in a child friendly manner. The following Friday, April 19th the Kindergarten Class will present to the entire school their absolutely delightful circus.

               With the warm weather arriving and your children having grown over the past months, I would appreciate it if you would send in a change of clothes for spring. As I receive the change of clothes I will return the ones we currently have at the school. Believe me, the change of clothes do come in handy especially if we are outside playing with water.

               Also if your child isn’t already, encourage your child to walk into school in the morning by themselves or with a buddy. Once they do it they truly feel a sense of accomplishment, independence and of being a “big kid” and ready for the Four Year Old class next year. I realize that some parents enjoy the chance to walk their child into the building and I certainly respect your wishes. [note - not included in newsletter - evelyn and sylvia have been doing this for months!]

               Be on the lookout for information regarding the Annual School Olympics on Saturday afternoon, April 27th at 3pm and plan ahead to attend the Annual Art Show and Ice Cream Social on Friday evening, May 3rd.

                              As always if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, do not hesitate to call or email me.

               Mary Olivia


               Wednesday, April 10th – All School Event – Eric Carle Day
               Saturday, April 27th – St. Aidan’s School Olympics, School grounds, 3pm
               Friday, May 3rd  -- ANNUAL ART SHOW AND ICE CREAM SOCIAL     

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