Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Lastest Happenings

Since we returned from Michigan, it's been a bit of a whirlwind of excitement and final days of summer.

Final week in August:
-Mommy got to celebrate her birthday with two different sets of girlfriends (Wednesday and Friday nights), the girls (Friday day) and Daddy (Friday night), two days of shopping (Thursday and Friday), and lunch with the girls and a gal pal + her 2 girls on Friday.  It was an awesome week -- furloughed Thursday, off Friday and Monday.  What a super fun birthday weekend.
-Swine Fest on Saturday -- an awesome neighborhood party with hundreds of folks.  Whole hog, lots of food, drinks, zip line and movie for the kids.
--Sunday was the Last Hurrah at the pool.  Included dunking and being dunked in the dunk tank, tons of food, inflatable water slides and final diving off the diving board in 11 ft water.  They are so good at it, we don't even need to get in the water with them!  They will surely  be on swim team next year!

First week in September:
-Playdate with Kaitlyn on Tuesday
-Back to school night for the parents on Wednesday
-Classroom visits and school fair on Thursday
-Friday as back to school - 5 days this year (9-Noon Monday-Friday)- it's official preschool!  They LOVE school!  Can't believe next year is elementary/kindergarten school!
-Saturday - friends over with their kids for dinner and a movie.
-Sunday - school playground clean up day and playing card games and discovering old toys.

It's been a busy few weeks.  Also, the girls started their fall swim lessons!  They will be in the pool at least weekly until the pool reopens in the Spring.

They also are ADDICTED to playing UNO (I thank Granny for this and all the war they played while in Michigan).  Surprised that they say it's a gave for 7+...it's pretty simple.

Lastly, Evelyn read me an ENTIRE level 1 reader book to me in the car yesterday BY HERSELF!  Note, reading the level 1s aren't a new thing, it's that this was a book she had NEVER READ before.  Just opened it up and read the whole thing.  Pretty crazy how good they have both gotten with reading.  Super duper proud of them!

Stay tuned for pictures.

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