Monday, July 13, 2009

Repeat #3 and First Successes!

Our little peanut, who I didn't think would sleep through the night until she was close or beyond 12 weeks because she is a pound lighter than her sister SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT! We fed them at 7pm and put them down by 7:45pm without fussing and Evelyn did not wake up until 6am! David is keeping her occupied to hold off the first feeding until 7am. He has 10 more minutes to go and so far is successful. Our goal is for them to sleep until 7am, but I'm not complianing! This is an incredible success for us!

While I type this, Sylvia is still sleeping. She didn't wake up once either. She fussed a little when Evelyn woke up, but it wasn't anything a paci couldn't fix. I need to wake her up and get her ready for the 7am feeding. This is the third time Sylvia has slept through the night.

Amazing these little girls are doing so well. We are so pleased and swear by putting your babies on a schedule from the beginning. If we fed on demand or cluster fed, Mommy and Daddy wouldn't be able to do anything else with them. The girls get to visit friends, go out for lots of fresh air, do tummy time, sit in the bumbo, play with toys (play is said very loosely...they are too young for play), and we just spend time holding them. Also, it gives Mommy and Daddy a chance to shower and eat, also important.

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