Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Repeat #4 and Big Girl Clothes

Well, Sylvia did it again, she slept through the night -- 7am to 7pm! Amazing! Even when her sister was fussing after her 2:30 bottle of 1.5oz and it takin 45 minutes to put her back to sleep. Evelyn is a little smaller and I she is much more active and alert during the day. I think sleeping 12 hours will be a challenge for her because there are too many things for her to do! Why sleep? She's kind of like her Mommy. Plus, it gives Evelyn and I some extra time together. I don't mind.

Also, Sylvia fit into a 3-6 month outfit I've been dying to dress her in! Isn't she cute?

One more success today--Mommy fit into her smallest sized shorts (no these aren't short shorts, they go down to my knees!). Although I still have some pounds to lose, I'm getting smaller and starting to appear as though I am my old size.

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