They are healthy, happy babies. They still sleep 12 hours at night, take 2 naps during the day (we are still working on the naps). They are great eaters and have meals and bottles at 7am, 11am, 3pm and 7pm with dinner of two vegetables and grain at 5:30pm. At 7am they have fruit and yogart, lunch they have 2 veggies, 3pm one fruit, and 7pm just milk. They get a multigrain of oatmeal, rice, barley and whole wheat or pieces of toast, cheerios, rice cakes or crackers. They have started to eat finger foods -- peas, corn broccoli florets, green beans, beans, banana, avocado, etc. Soon they will be off pureed foods entirely. They are still receiving Momma's milk and they haven't had one bite of commercial baby food. Angela and I have prepared ALL of it! They fill their days with a program that Angela created (remember, she's academically and professionally trained to raise babies!) and they are learning the colors (red), shapes (circle), signs (drink, eat, change, more), and we are teaching them some spanish (aqua, leche, mas). They have song time, outdoor time (including play group on Tuesdays), fine and gross motor development activities, and lots of other stuff.
In January, they will begin baby swimming and a song/sign class (where they learn more sign language). In addition to the Tuesday play groups, I have at least 2 other play dates each week, so they are getting a lot of social interaction with other Moms and babies. Overall, they are doing great. We are lucky to have such happy, healthy babies. Also, another big deal is that we're separating their rooms. They have been in separate cribs since 3 months, but they are now napping in separate rooms and we're officially converting the study to a second nursery in a few weeks. Evelyn is a super light sleeper, so she needs to have her own space. It's ok though, they spend a ton of time together all day, every day. Mommy is a little sad about it though.
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