Most kids suck their thumbs...I did it, my brother's did it (well, Gage used to suck his left middle and ring finger, but he's a weird-o!). My little one, Evelyn, sucks on her arm! This is a new habit that developed when we moved to the new house. When she was getting molars and we didn't know it! So, she self soothed by sucking on her arm. Giving herself lovely hickeys and a few times little blisters!
For 2 weeks now, we have wrap her arms at naps and bedtime with gauze to prevent it. Once day, she found the top of her arm (by her shoulder) and sucked that! Crazy baby.
So, per the doctor's instruction, I got some natural nail biting/thumb sucking cream. It tastes horrible (had to test it!). I got it off Amazon and was anxious for it to arrive. I put it on the top of her hand (we now dress her in long sleeves at night so she really can only suck on her hand). Even before bedtime, she licked it and came over to me with the most disgusted face -- drooling, spitting, etc. I felt terrible, but sorry baby girl, it's for your own good!
Let's hope it works. Doc says if it doesn't try any number of gross things -- soap, hot sauce (well, I love hot sauce, but a baby might not!). Any other gross ideas?
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